Summary of Twelfth Night and Characters

Summary of Twelfth Night and Characters
  • A Summary of Twelfth Night and Characters by William Shakespeare
  • Short Summary of Twelfth Night and Characters
  • Brief plot of Twelfth Night and Characters
  • List of Characters in the William Shakespeare play - Twelfth Night
Summary of Twelfth Night and Characters

Interesting information about the Globe Theatre of Elizabethan London with a William Shakespeare Play Summary of Twelfth Night with a list of Characters

Summary of Twelfth Night and Characters
The list of Twelfth Night characters provide a convenient introduction to the William Shakespeare play summary of Twelfth Night. The male and female characters bring the plot of the play to life. Not only do we remember the stories but we remember the people - we all have our favourite characters.

Characters in Twelfth Night

Duke Orsino
Sir Toby Belch
Sir Andrew Aguecheek

Summary of Twelfth Night
The following short summary of Twelfth Night provides a brief description of this famous William Shakespeare play. The story of the plot with its famous characters via the summary of Twelfth Night. Interesting facts and information about the Globe Theatre of Elizabethan London with a William Shakespeare Play Summary of Twelfth Night with a list of Characters.

The Summary of Twelfth Night
This drama is one of the great comedy plays by William Shakespeare. Viola, cross dresses and takes the man's name of Cesario. Viola enters the service of the Duke of Illyria, Orsino. Orsino longs for the love of a neighbouring countess. Viola (Cesario) then falls in love with Orsino. To add to the farce Viola's (Cesario) identical twin, Sebastian arrives on the scene. Living in Olivia’s household is her uncle, Sir Toby Belch, a merry character. The steward of the household is the conceited Malvolio.The plot illustrates jealousy, mistaken Identity, cross-dressing and features fights and duels. In the end Sebastian and Olivia fall in love and marry. Orsino realises that it is Viola that he loves and she agrees to marry him. Sir Toby Belch and Maria also decide to marry! Twelfth Night ends and everyone, except Malvolio, is happy and Shakespeare speaks of the madness of love.

Summary of Twelfth Night and Characters
Interesting Facts and information about the Summary of Twelfth Night and Characters. Additional details, facts and information about the Globe Theatre and the summary and characters of other William Shakespeare plays can be accessed via the Globe Theatre Sitemap.

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