John Lowin

John Lowin
  • Interesting Facts and information about John Lowin in Elizabethan Times
  • Short Biography about the life of John Lowin - the famous Elizabethan actor
  • Facts and History about the life and times of John Lowin
John Lowin

Interesting information about the life and times of John Lowin and the
Globe Theatre of Elizabethan London, England

Short Biography of the life of John Lowin - Elizabethan actor
The following biography information provides basic facts about the life John Lowin:

  • Nationality - English
  • Lifespan - John Lowin (1576 - 1659)
  • Family - Son of a carpenter
  • Acting Troupes: Member of both the Admiral's Men and the Chamberlain's men
  • Career - Actor
  • Famous for :He was named as one of the 26 actors who performed in the plays which were listed in William Shakespeare's First Folio
  • The First Folio was published in 1623 and contained approximately 900 pages containing 36 of the plays by William Shakespeare. It was entitled "Mr. William Shakespeare's Comedies, Histories & Tragedies"

The reputation of the early Elizabethan Actors was not good and any were viewed as no better than rogues and vagabonds - actors were not trusted. The standing of actors improved when the purpose-built theatres were introduced and some Elizabethan actors became the equivalent of today's superstars.

Facts & History about the life of John Lowin - Elizabethan Actor
The following are additional facts about the life and history of John Lowin:

  • Born in London on 1576
  • John Lowin was baptized on 9 December 1576
  • The son of a carpenter
  • He acted at the Rose Theatre , one of the Globe's fiercest competitors. The Rose Theatre was used as a base for the theatrical productions of the Admiral’s Men Acting Troupe, lead by Edward Alleyn
  • In 1603 he moved on to the Blackfriars Playhouse and started acting with William Shakespeare but still stayed friendly with Edward Alleyn
  • The cast list for Jonson's Sejanus, performed in 1603, includes "Ric. Burbadge, Aug. Philips, Will. Sly, Ioh. Lowin, Will. Shake-Speare, Ioh. Hemings, Hen. Condel, and Alex. Cooke."
  • He later became a manager of The Globe Theatre
  • He died in March 1659
  • He was buried buried 16th March 1659

The Chamberlain's Men Acting Troupe
The Chamberlain's Men, of which John Lowin was a member, were the most important company of players in Elizabethan England and led by the Burbage family and William Shakespeare. Initially known as known as Hunsdon's Men, whose patron was Henry Carey the first Lord Hunsdon. Hunsdon then took office as the Lord Chamberlain. The Chamberlain's Men were taken under the royal patronage of James I in March 1603 and were then known as the King's Men. The main rivals of the Chamberlain's Men were the Admiral's Men Acting Troupe led by Edward Alleyn and Phillip Henslowe.

The Admiral's Men Acting Troupe
The Admiral's Men Acting Troupe, of which John Lowin was also a member, were known as Lord Howard's Men after their patron Charles Howard, 1st Earl of Nottingham, 2nd Baron Howard of Effingham. In 1585, when Lord Howard became England's Lord High Admiral, the company changed its name to the Admiral's Men.

John Lowin
Interesting Facts and information about the History, Life & Times of the famous Elizabethan actor, John Lowin. Additional details, facts and information about the Globe Theatre and other actors can be accessed via the Globe Theatre Sitemap.

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