Summary of King Henry V and Characters

Summary of King Henry V and Characters
  • A Summary of King Henry V and Characters by William Shakespeare
  • Short Summary of King Henry V and Characters
  • Brief plot of King Henry V and Characters
  • List of Characters in the play - King Henry V
  • Picture of scene from King Henry V
Summary of King Henry V and Characters

Interesting information about the Globe Theatre of Elizabethan London with a William Shakespeare Play Summary of King Henry V with a list of Characters

Summary of King Henry V and Characters
The list of King Henry V characters provide a convenient introduction to the William Shakespeare play summary of King Henry V. The male and female characters bring the plot of the play to life. Not only do we remember the stories but we remember the people - we all have our favourite characters.

Characters in King Henry V

Earl Richard
Lord Rambures
Lewis the Dauphin
Sir Thomas Erpingham
Sir Thomas Grey
Michael Williams
King Charles VI of France
Mistress Quickly
Captain Gower
Captain Fluellen
Alexander Court
John Bates
Captain Jamy
Captain Macmorris
King Henry V of England
Lord Henry Scroop
Lord Grandpre

Summary of King Henry V
The following short summary of King Henry V provides a brief description of this famous William Shakespeare play. The story of the plot with its famous characters via the summary of King Henry V. Interesting facts and information about the Globe Theatre of Elizabethan London with a William Shakespeare Play Summary of King Henry V with a list of Characters.

The Summary of King Henry V
This drama is one of the great history themed plays by William Shakespeare. King Henry IV has died and his son Prince Hal reigns. There is war with France and all of England backs the King. At the city of Harfleur, the King and his forces encounter strong resistance and King Hal rally's his forces with the patriotic rallying speech "Once more unto the breach, dear friends, once more..." England is united under Henry's leadership and win Harfleur. He then goes on to win the Battle of Agincourt and the French King surrenders. He offers Henry the hand of his daughter, Katherine of Valois, in marriage and unites England and France. After he marries Katherine, peace rules, and they have a son. However, after King Hal dies and his son becomes Henry VI war once again looms.

Summary of King Henry V and Characters
Interesting Facts and information about the Summary of King Henry V and Characters. Additional details, facts and information about the Globe Theatre and the summary and characters of other William Shakespeare plays can be accessed via the Globe Theatre Sitemap.

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